更新日:2024年11月15日(November 15, 2024)
出来高 11,185,472億円
売建玉 39,101億円
買建玉 45,532億円
建玉合計 84,634億円
【October 2024】
Number of Over-The-Counter Retail FX Margin Trading Operaters : 47(October 31, 2024)
Number of members reported : 47
Volume : 11,185,472 hundred million jpy
Open Positions(as of the end of the month) : 84,634 hundred million jpy
Short : 39,101 hundred million jpy
Long : 45,532 hundred million jpy
取引状況(Trading Volume and Positions) | (XLS:325KB) |
主要通貨建玉(Open Positions with Major Currency) | (XLS:123KB) |
通貨ペア別取引金額(Trading Volume by Currency Pairs) | (XLS:1MB) |
預託額情報(Deposit Amount Information) | (XLS:79KB) |
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explanation of "Deposit Amount".